Let’s get into to it.
Self-care varies for each person, with some able to make it a daily priority while others fit it in whenever they can. As a mother of three, I understand how busy life can get. Unexpected events occur whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a working mother. Maintaining motivation during challenging times can be tough.
While I’m not an expert, I do have a passion for self care. I try to find as much time as I can in between life’s busy moments. For me, self-care differs daily. Somedays it’s as simple as me making the bed at some point in the morning. Some days I’m waking everyone up. Other days, the kids are up before me and getting me up. For the days when the quietness echos through out the house, I take my time doing my morning facial routine. I get to do every single step uninterrupted and to me, that silence is glorious.
Some mornings after I get everyone’s breakfast plated, I get started on my coffee. I’ll usually make a pour over. I’m not sure why I love it so much but I do. I found a cute one in an adorable color on Amazon. You can check it out via this link: https://a.co/d/aoCRBxG. Let me know what you think of it. Anyway, I love making my coffee and then heading outside on my porch. I just sit there and people watch and listen to nature. I’m usually out there no more than 15 minutes but that time is so important to me.
As I said before, everyday isn’t the same so neither is my fashion. I praise the moms who are able to get up and get dressed, do their make up. I really do. But for me, that isn’t a reality always and that’s absolutely okay. There are days where I like to dress up and look presentable and then there are the days where I am just glad to even make it out of the bed so sweat pants and my overly large shirts it is. Some mornings I can have a moment to just sit and plan out our day and then there are mornings when we’re going with the flow and whatever happens, happens.
Some days I can get lunch going on time and then there are also the days when we’re just snacking until dinner time because it has just been a crazy day. No matter what, I am always trying to do my best to put the kids first. However I know now that I can not pour from and empty cup. Self care can look like me taking a walk around the neighborhood with the kids or simply stopping by my favorite coffee spot for a treat and some quick conversations.
At night, after the chaos of dinner, baths, and bedtime, I like to just sit and take in all of the moments of the day. Maybe it was a really good day. Maybe we struggled greatly. We all don’t have a village so you have to do what you can, when you can. Do what works best for you.